Beaulieu 6008 PRO D Schmalfilmkamera - Schneider Kreunach

515,00 EUR (DE)


Description vendeur

I offer a Beaulieu 6008 Pro D
Case No. C 1002072
Lens Schneider Optivaron 1,4 6-70mm, No. 13 659 367
Quartzstabilisation 25fps, 50 Hz (Version for EU / D)

nearly new, almost no marks of usage
full funktion,
completely tested without film;
tested with film Kodak Vision 3 50D (colornegative film)
digitised and converted into positive by Medienrettung Berlin

Camera with Lens hood, lens cap, eyepiece
PDF-file of English Manual for 6008 Pro (but without digital counter)
Hints for the digital counter

PDF-file of service manual for 6008S
Case for batteries in the handgrip for 6 AA cells,
6AA cells NiMH Sony 2100 mAh (only used for testing and now fully charged)
Charger with original manual, charges 4 cells simultaneously with current 360mA,
charging time 2 x 5,8 hours
Original test film (colornegative)
Video of this film on DVD (MPEG2)

test plan without film
test plan with film

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